265 – British Problems at the Hairdresser’s 💇‍♂️


Well… not really “British Problems” more like “international problems”, but maybe you can tell us… do you like people massaging your head? 🤔 We also talk about Forest Gump haircuts 🪖, erections 😬, microphone haircuts 🎤 and lots more! So sit back, get your headphones on and keeeeeeeeeep on ROCKin’, baby! 👊


Keep an eye out for this RnR Vocab today:

  1. Hellraiser has left us in the lurch

  2. He let us down

  3. I’ve got to pop out

  4. We’re going to push through this

  5. The B team

  6. That name came about when I was 12 or 13

  7. It will come back to haunt you / come back and bite you in the arse

  8. An avid listener

  9. Don’t be a pussy

  10. And had an absolute stinker of a haircut

  11. Lots of these really resonated with me and hit home

  12. They have a knack for getting the temperature right

  13. When a man is slowly caressing my head

  14. Never go to a random hairdresser

  15. This place will do, there’s no queue

  16. A cape over you

  17. Stonker / boner

  18. Where I see the crown

  19. Bald patches



RnR Grammar

In today’s episode I said “let me explain what Mental Marky Mark has on his head”, this is a simple present simple sentence, he has this on his head every day. However, I then wanted to add more information to the sentence and tell you HOW LONG this action had been happening, so I said “and what he HAS HAD on his head for 26 years”. Now I’m saying that this action started in the past and is still in progress, so I use the present perfect. I would use the present perfect continuous, but as this is a state verb, the present perfect simple is what we need!